New Lifers,

I can’t believe that this Wednesday marks the beginning of year three with you as your Senior Pastor. What amazing blessings and encouragements we have had along the way! Worship attendance, morning and evening, has been increasing, more have been taking advantage of Higher ED/Sunday School, membership has grown, and the Outward to 60 Vision has been steadily heading toward completion. 

In the midst of all these blessings, stewardship of the time, resources, and our volunteers is crucial. We want to be careful not to spread one another too thin, as we seek to joyfully love God and others as we head toward our 60th anniversary as a congregation. 

It is just this issue, the matter of stewardship, that is leading us to an adjustment in our ministry offerings this fall. Despite a great group of wonderful volunteers, we simply don’t have the people-power in place to begin the full range of elementary classes for our Wednesday night Intermission this fall. A couple of classes were fully staffed, for now, but we were still missing a whole range of helpers, teachers, subs, admin helpers, etc. It’s just not sustainable at this time.  I trust the Lord that by the Spring we may be able to ramp back up, but I also don’t want to rush it. Let us pray with intentionality for clear direction, motivation, and conviction in how we, as a church family, should work together to provide outreach and midweek discipleship opportunities for young families, children, and youth in New Life and our neighborhood.

So, as we head into Fall 2023, the Ladies Bible Study will continue and so will Newth Group for grades 7-12. We will not plan on the Intermission Cafe or other classes at this time. 

Thank you for your ongoing prayers, encouragement, volunteer support, and openness to invite family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors into what the Lord is doing at New Life. The church can only thrive in her mission and vision when godly people step forward to use their gifts to satisfy the Lord’s calling on their lives! We have many more wonderful years ahead of life and ministry together!

I can’t wait to worship with all of us together again… morning and evening… on October 8! See you there.

Love and blessings,

Pastor Joel