New Lifers,

And December is one-third gone. It’s a joy to mark the days as we worship together week-by-week, especially in this season of remembering our Savior’s birth!

Plan now to attend the Christmas Eve service! It will be at 5p on Sunday, the 24th. We’ll worship together through singing, Scripture reading, choir singing, instrumentalists, and the service will end with a Christmas Carol Sing! We would love to have you, your family, friends, and neighbors with us on that last evening before Christmas!

Tomorrow, Pastor Connor will open up James to us and challenge us with how we use our tongues. I’m thankful for his love for you and his diligent preparation to apply God’s Word to our hearts.

In the evening, our Songs for Jesus Advent series continues as we hear Zechariah’s Song.

I can’t wait to worship with you, morning and evening! Bring a heart ready to hear, a hand ready to help, and word ready to encourage your brothers and sisters!

Love & blessings,

Pastor Joel