The evening concert by the Patrick Henry College Chorale was heavenly. Our social media team posted a number of reels on Instagram for you to catch a glimpse, if you missed it, or to relive what was such an enraptured evening. Thank you to our brothers & sisters at North Park Pres for organizing the hospitality for this wonderful group!

This week we have our evening fellowship meal and worship service in the MAC. We will start eating at 4:30p and stay in the MAC for a brief worship service. Alex & Michaela Kazules will lead the music; and I will preach the ending of the Gospel according to Mark. In the coming weeks, Pastor Connor and I will return to the portions of Mark we skipped to get to the Passion.

In AM worship, we also return to Stephen’s Biblical Theology, Part 5: The Tabernacling Tabernacle!

Join us! Bring a friend! Read over "New Life News" and find new ways to pray, serve, and be involved. The body is growing! God is doing great things at New Life, and we’re glad to be serving our Master with you!

Love & blessings,

Pastor Joel