New Life Presbyterian Church of La Mesa New Life Presbyterian Church of La Mesa
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Morning Worship Service: 09-Jun-2024
Rev. M. Connor Underseth
Rev. M. Connor Underseth
Sunday, June 9, 2024
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Pastor M. Connor Underseth
Suffering and the End of Days
James 5:7-12 
CCLI License #390757

Welcome and Announcements
Choral Introit  

GREETING & CALL TO WORSHIP – 2 Samuel 22:2-4, 32
Leader:  The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge.
People: My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence.

Leader: I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.
People: For who is God, but the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God?


Trinity Hymnal #660 “O God beyond All Praising” 
O God beyond all praising, we worship you today
and sing the love amazing that songs cannot repay;
for we can only wonder at every gift you send,
at blessings without number and mercies without end:
we lift our hearts before you and wait upon your word,
we honor and adore you, our great and mighty Lord.

Then hear, O gracious Savior, accept the love we bring,
that we who know your favor may serve you as our King;
and whether our tomorrows be filled with good or ill,
we'll triumph through our sorrows and rise to bless you still:
to marvel at your beauty and glory in your ways,
and make a joyful duty our sacrifice of praise.

REFLECTION ON GOD’S LAW   from Exodus 20:1-17 & N.T. corollaries, ESV
Leader: Honor your father and your mother.
People: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. (Eph. 6:1)
Leader: You shall not murder.
People: Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. (1 Jn. 3:15)

Leader: You shall not commit adultery.
People: Everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Mt. 5:28)

Leader: You shall not steal.
People: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.  Do your work quietly and earn your own living. (2 Th. 3:10,12)
Leader: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
People: Having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor. (Eph. 4:25)

Leader: You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor's.
People: For the whole law is fulfilled in one word:  "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Gal. 5:14)

ASSURANCE OF PARDON – Colossians 2:13-14

Song “He Will Hold Me Fast”
When I fear my faith will fail
Christ will hold me fast
When the tempter would prevail
He will hold me fast
I could never keep my hold
Through life's fearful path
For my love is often cold
He must hold me fast

He will hold me fast
He will hold me fast
For my Savior loves me so
He will hold me fast

Those He saves are His delight
Christ will hold me fast
Precious in His holy sight
He will hold me fast
He'll not let my soul be lost
His Promises shall last
Bought by Him at such a cost
He will hold me fast [Chorus]

For my life He bled and died
Christ will hold me fast
Justice has been satisfied
He will hold me fast
Raised with Him to endless life
He will hold me fast
Till our faith is turned to sight
When He comes at last [Chorus]

Ada Ruth Habershon, Matthew Merker
© 2013 Getty Music Publishing; Matthew Merker Music
CCLI License #390757


Psalm 7:10-17 “God Is My Shield” (tune: Trinity Hymnal #710))
God is my shield, yes, He is my defense,
For He will surely save the right in heart.
A righteous judge, God judges righteously;
The wrath of God is burning every day.

He whets His sword if one does not repent;
He has His bow already strung and bent.
His deadly weapons He has now prepared;
He makes His arrows fiery, deadly shafts.

Look at the man in labor with his sin:
Conceiving evil, he gives birth to lies.
He digs a pit, but falls in it himself;
His vicious plans come down on his own head.

I will give thanks to Him who is the LORD
According to His perfect righteousness;
And I will sing to Him forevermore.
I’ll praise His name; He is the LORD Most High.

GOD’S WORD READ – James 5:7-12
GOD’S WORD PREACHED – “Sufering and the End of Days” by Pastor M. Connor Underseth

Trinity Hymnal #161 “O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart’s Desire” 
O Christ, our hope, our heart's desire,
redemption's only spring!
Creator of the world art thou,
its Savior and its King.

How vast the mercy and the love
which laid our sins on thee,
and led thee to a cruel death,
to set thy people free.

But now the bands of death are burst,
the ransom has been paid;
and thou art on thy Father's throne,
in glorious robes arrayed.

O Christ, be thou our lasting joy,
our ever great reward!
Our only glory may it be
to glory in the Lord.

Trinity Hymnal p. 845 “Apostles’ Creed” 


Minister: The Lord be with you;
People: And also with you.

Minister: Lift up your hearts;
People: We lift them up to the Lord.

Minister: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God;
People: It is right to give him thanks and praise.


Song “Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor” 
Christ the sure and steady anchor
In the fury of the storm
When the winds of doubt blow through me
And my sails have all been torn

In the suffering in the sorrow
When my sinking hopes are few
I will hold fast to the anchor
It shall never be removed

Christ the sure and steady anchor
While the tempest rages on
When temptation claims the battle
And it seems the night has won

Deeper still then goes the anchor
Though I justly stand accused
I will hold fast to the anchor
It shall never be removed

Christ the sure and steady anchor
Through the floods of unbelief
Hopeless somehow O my soul now
Lift your eyes to Calvary

This my ballast of assurance
See His love forever proved
I will hold fast to the anchor
It shall never be removed

Christ the sure and steady anchor
As we face the wave of death
When these trials give way to glory
And we draw our final breath

We will cross that great horizon
Clouds behind and life secured
And the calm will be the better
For the storms that we endured

Christ the shore of our salvation
Ever faithful ever true
We will hold fast to the anchor
It shall never be removed

Matthew Boswell, Matthew Papa
© 2015 Getty Music Hymns and Songs; Getty Music Publishing; Love Your Enemies Publishing; Messenger Hymns
CCLI License #390757

Trinity Hymnal #731: “Doxology”