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Book & Workbook: $20 (Help available to cover cost, if needed.)
Nearly every common behavioral problem is considered to be a disease in American culture today: gambling, overeating, excessive time spent on the internet, excessive shopping and spending, stealing, rebellious behavior, and certainly drugs and alcohol. God's Word lovingly tells us the truth about the "Heart of Addiction," yet it is a neglected resource for those who suffer, as people work from humancentered theories and ideas about humanity being powerless to overcome the problem.

Non-Christians have no power to truly overcome an "addiction" as they really are "powerless." But a Christian is not powerless if he or she has the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to enable them to say "no" to choices that will mentally enslave them. When that occurs, the Bible calls it a "sin" problem. 

In this Higher ED class, Pastor Joel and Patrick Thomas will lead you through The Heart of Addiction: A Biblical Perspective. We will make the distinction between what the world terms a "disease" and what Scripture demonstrates is a life-dominating sin nature problem. You will find biblical tools to help you examine your heart's motives at the root of the addiction.

This class will run for two quarters. In quarter one we will examine the Biblical Theology of Addiction. In the second quarter we will work out the practical applications of this. If you are struggling with addiction in your life, know someone who is, or want to be prepared to help others, come to "Addictions: For Helpers & Those
Needing Help"!